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Reigning Tour de France champion Jonas Vingegaard in hospital following horror crash 環法衛冕冠軍Jonas Vingegaard在恐怖的摔車意外後住院 By Matias Grez, CNN https://i.imgur.com/smIEjMY.jpg
▲A multi-rider crash on stage four of the Tour of the Basque Country left Jonas Vingegaard with a broken collarbone. Tim de Waele/Velo/Getty Images 在環巴斯克的第四戰發生了多人摔車意外,導致Jonas Vingegaard鎖骨骨折 Defending Tour de France champion Jonas Vingegaard is in hospital after suffering a horror crash during stage four of the Tour of the Basque Country on Thursday. 在星期四這一天,環法衛冕冠軍Jonas Vingegaard在環巴斯克的第四戰遭受痛苦的恐怖摔 車意外後,進到了醫院。 His cycling team, Team Visma, said that Vingegaard suffered a broken collarbone, several broken ribs, a pulmonary contusion and pneumothorax, or collapsed lung. 他的自行車團隊Visma表示Vingegaard的鎖骨骨折,斷了幾根肋骨,肺挫傷及氣胸。 “He is stable and had a good night,” the team added. “He remains in hospital.” 「他很穩定,而且睡得不錯。」團隊補充道:「他還留在醫院。」 Vingegaard's injury puts his Tour de France title defense in jeopardy, with the race starting earlier this year on June 29 due to the Paris Olympics. Vingegaard的傷勢會讓他的環法頭銜岌岌可危,這次的環法會因為巴黎奧運提早於6月29 日開始。 The crash took place around 40 kilometers from the end of the stage as the riders came around a right turn on a descent, with fellow Grand Tour winners Primoz Roglic and Remco Evenepoel also involved. 這次事故發生在終點前40公里處,當時選手們在一個下坡段右轉。三大賽的冠軍 Primoz Roglic及Remco Evenepoel也被捲入事故當中。 Television footage showed Vingegaard being taken away on a stretcher and put into an ambulance. 畫面可以看到,Vingegaard被抬上擔架並被送上救護車。 Evenepoel, the 2022 Vuelta a España winner, also suffered a fractured collarbone, his Quick-Step Pro Cycling Team said in a statement, as well as a fractured right shoulder blade. 2022年的環西冠軍--Evenepoel的所屬車隊Quick-Step在聲明中表示,他也出現鎖骨骨折, 並且右肩胛骨也有骨折現象。 “Obviously my plans for the short [near] future will change, but I hope and think my longterm goals will not change,” Evenepoel said in a video released by his team on X. 「很顯然的,我的短期規劃會出現異動,但我希望並且認為我的長遠目標沒有改變。」 Evenepoel在車隊Twitter的影片上這麼說。 https://i.imgur.com/nHWJ3OR.jpg
▲Vingegaard before his race was derailed by the crash. Tim de Waele/Velo/Getty Images Vingegaard在因摔車意外退場前的照片 “Everything should be okay with that. Then I need to thank all of the doctors, and also the doctor of the team, that took care of me in the last couple of hours and, of course, I want to wish all of the riders that were involved in the crash all the best, a speedy recovery and I hope to see you all soon on the road again.” 「一切都會沒事的。再來我要謝謝所有醫生還有醫療團隊,他們過去好幾小時照顧著我。 當然,我希望所有在摔車意外終被波及的選手們一切順利,早日康復,我希望能早日在公 路上見到你們。」 Quick-Step said Evenepoel will travel to Belgium on Friday for surgery on his collarbone. Quick-Step車隊表示Evenepoel將於星期五前往比利時進行鎖骨手術。 Other injuries sustained in the crash include a cervical and two thoracic spine vertebral body fractures for Team Emirates rider Jay Vine and a concussion and fractured sternum for EF Pro Cycling’s Sean Quinn. 其他在摔車意外中被波及的包括UAE車隊的Jay Vine,他的頸椎及兩節胸椎骨折,而EF車隊 的Sean Quinn則出現腦震盪及胸骨骨折。 https://edition.cnn.com/2024/04/05/sport/tour-de-france-champion-jonas- vingegaard-in-hospital-spt-intl/index.html https://tinyurl.com/2yaofa84 超級可怕的意外 而且很多名將也被波及到 環瑞的慘案才過沒多久... https://youtu.be/r58I6buCUA0
相關的訊息 也有中文介紹 https://youtu.be/MBlyx8R4Q2g
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/bicycle/M.1712406630.A.829.html
ckai1983 : 皮卡丘沒對手了 04/06 20:42
hancash : 我看到新聞後馬上去找影片,齁…超級可怕,而且看 04/06 20:42
hancash : 起來傷的不輕 04/06 20:42
ikarifaye : visma 剛換贊助 一直倒霉 04/06 20:50
XDDDDXDDDD : 開季WVA和Vingegarrd就受傷真的慘 04/06 21:55
Kroner : 維他命D推薦 04/08 14:07
g29186280 : 多重疏失和比賽風氣造就一個悲劇,真的要重新檢視 04/07 00:15
g29186280 : 敏感路段建議比照北宜裝區間測速,科技執法罰秒 04/07 00:16
g29186280 : 下坡騎手姿勢不可以太空力,使用AI圖像判讀 04/07 00:17
Duc916 : 一起出去感覺是路面問題 04/07 01:42
Chricey : 蔓越莓益生菌 04/08 22:29
alicemoe : 真可惜,本來還想看環法他們兩人對決 04/07 02:14
alicemoe : Vingegaard就算能上場,應該很難復原到正常狀態了 04/07 02:15
kuaiphoto : 之前皮卡丘也是摔車,少一個月的訓練量,環法後段賽 04/07 10:04
kuaiphoto : 程就擋不住TJV攻勢了 04/07 10:04
Kroner : 魚油功效 04/07 10:04
g29186280 : 皮卡丘今年能夠再度奪回寶座嗎?S5終於要有貨了嗎? 04/07 13:03
aikensh : 唉 今年環法沒看頭了 04/07 13:27
sp901325nccy: 希望能趕上環法. 04/07 14:35
negotiates : 慘 在那種彎集體摔 04/07 17:47
Kroner : 維他命D品牌推薦 04/07 17:47
kunxue0320 : 現在GC車手就兩個人獨一檔,看來今年環法沒懸念了 04/07 18:46
boombastick : 不過前年皮卡丘沒受傷後段也擋不住VGG 04/07 21:10
Benefits : 看成往生... 04/07 21:16
Zzen : 前年皮卡丘是因為副將紛紛確診退賽,獨木難支 04/07 23:07
Kroner : 葉黃素比較 04/07 23:07
uranusjr : 少了 WVA 今天 MVDP 就沒對手了... 04/07 23:23
modecate : 希望名將們早日康復 04/07 23:24
chi17 : MVDP剛剛無懸念輾壓了 04/07 23:34
spinnerl : 年年就算UAE副將都在..結果可能不會差多少 04/08 14:07
Chricey : 益生菌功效 04/08 14:07
spinnerl : 真要護航皮卡丘大概也是說他中了TJV的連環計... 04/08 14:07
ckai1983 : 我記得皮卡丘都跟在visma列車裡啊 04/08 21:52
ckai1983 : visma的副將就是皮卡丘的副將 04/08 21:52
deadkids : 其實皮卡丘對上魚販不見得有優勢,去年的ITT就已經證 04/08 22:29
Chricey : 高菌數益生菌推薦 04/08 22:29
deadkids : 明了,魚販體重比較輕,爬坡也更有優勢. 04/08 22:31
uranusjr : 長爬坡越多 Vingegaard 優勢就越大, 他就標準爬坡怪 04/09 18:43