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https://bit.ly/3wEKT8a 原文作者:ESPN IG https://i.imgur.com/DiDuujZ.jpg
正當今天ESPN的IG幾乎被籃球熱戰新聞攻佔的同時,有一則與NFL相關的訃聞倒是靜悄悄地 順帶出現在上面,而且主角正是ESPN的自己人— 以下是ESPN張貼此消息的附文: We're very sorry to share the devastating news that Chris Mortensen, an award-wi nning NFL journalist at ESPN for more than three decades, died Sunday morning at the age of 72. Thanks for everything, Mort. We'll miss you dearly. 我們很遺憾得證實一項必定會讓人難過的新聞:曾經獲獎無數,並且在ESPN效力超過30年的 資深NFL記者-Chris Mortensen,已經於週日早上過世,享壽72歲 我們感謝你所做的一切,也一定會好好懷念你的。 ——————————————————————— 值得一提的是,Mortensen過世的消息,倒是在ESPN對手品牌The Atheletic有更詳細的生平 報導 https://i.imgur.com/hAyAUgI.jpeg
Chris Mortensen, an NFL journalism pioneer, died at 72, leaving an enduring lega cy at ESPN. His work ultimately helped develop an entire cottage industry that i s ubiquitous today — the sports television insider. NFL新聞圈的先鋒人物,並且在ESPN建立又持續傳奇地位的Chris Mortensen,在週日以72歲 的年齡過世。他最大的貢獻,就是協助發展了一項如今已變得無所不在的產業—出現在電視 的體育內幕記者 Mortensen, who joined ESPN in 1991, was ever-present on the network's programs a nd platforms, from “Sunday NFL Countdown" to "SportsCenter" to ESPN Radio to th e NFL Draft to Super Bowl coverage to offseason features. He covered every Super Bowl since 1985, except for Super Bowl 50 when he was forced to take a leave of absence in 2016 after being diagnosed with Stage IV throat cancer. Mortensen在1991年加入ESPN後,便持續出現在該集團的節目與平台,如賽前分析的Sunday NFL Countdown、體育新聞Sports Center甚至廣播節目。他參與的重要時刻,更是從超級杯 、選秀到休賽季異動都有。他1985年起就負責超級杯的採訪工作,唯一的例外是2016年的第 50屆—因為他當時要治療第四期喉嚨癌 Mortensen died Sunday morning at age 72, ESPN announced. He is survived by his w ife Micki and son Alex. Mortensen過世的消息,也已經在當天獲得ESPN的證實。據知他生前的最後一刻,有配偶與 兒子Alex陪伴 心得:Rest In Peace,也感謝他對美式足球的貢獻 不過ESPN在NFL的記者組合似乎有點失血,除了Mortensen外,Dianna Russini也已經在去年 跳槽到The Athletic了.. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NFL/M.1709554206.A.0E6.html
edgelee: 資深NFL 記者 Peter King 上周也宣布退休 03/05 05:44