作者nyrnu (just a soubriquet)
時間Sat Jun 1 10:39:50 2024
[媒體名稱]Panasonic Avionics 新聞稿
Aircraft Interiors Expo, Hamburg – 29th May 2024 – Panasonic Avionics
Corporation (Panasonic Avionics) and EVA Air have signed an agreement for the
installation of in-flight engagement (IFE) and connectivity systems, and a
range of digital services, on 54 of its widebody and narrowbody aircraft.
Panasonic Avionics’ new Astrova seat end IFE solution will be installed on
18 of the airline’s new Airbus A350-1000 and 14 of its existing Boeing
777-300ER aircraft, along with its Marketplace e-commerce solution and ArcTM
integrated moving map.
In addition, EVA will retrofit 17 of the airline’s Airbus A321 fleet with
Panasonic Avionics’ eXW wireless IFE solution and will add five Boeing 787-9
aircraft fitted with Panasonic Avionics’ NEXT and eX3 IFE, along with
connectivity services.
Ken Sain, Chief Executive Officer of Panasonic Avionics Corporation, said: “
We are proud to sign this agreement with our longstanding customer, EVA Air.
The installation of our award-winning in-flight entertainment, connectivity,
and digital solutions across their widebody and narrowbody fleets will
elevate their brand, enhance their onboard experience, and boost engagement
with their passengers.”
Clay Sun, President of EVA Air, said: “We are delighted to continue our
partnership with Panasonic Avionics and continue to provide an elevated
passenger experience for our customers. We look forward to enhancing our
services with the Astrova seat-end solution and improving our offerings with
their advanced digital services for many years to come.”
Hernan Abbes, Vice President of Global Sales at Panasonic Avionics, said: “
EVA Air is a distinguished customer of Panasonic Avionics, and we are honored
that they have chosen to continue their collaboration with our company due to
a long-standing relationship built on innovation, trust, and reliability.
This agreement signifies over two decades of successful cooperation between
Panasonic Avionics and EVA Air, dating back to 2001.”
Panasonic Avionics’ award-winning Astrova seat-end IFE solution creates an
immersive experience through industry-leading 4K OLED screens with
high-definition capability available, combined with high-fidelity audio,
accessible through Bluetooth® technology*.
Its NEXT and X Series IFE systems offer elegant full HD seatback monitors,
complete with capacitive touch displays and handsets, and an intuitive,
personalized interface. The X Series portfolio also includes eXW, which
delivers a premium passenger experience to passengers’ personal devices.
Marketplace, which is Panasonic Avionics’ turn-key eCommerce experience
platform, is designed to help airlines extend their service and ancillary
sales efforts, while ArcTM is its 3D integrated moving map application, which
is designed to enrich the passenger travel experience by providing premium
point of interest content.
More than 70 leading airlines globally have chosen Panasonic Avionics’
in-flight connectivity services, indicating the industry’s growing demand
for more robust and high-speed connectivity solutions.
又是6/1周末, 華航長榮的飛越新疆上空航線幸好沒開天窗,讓航空公司多燒油.
Panasonic Avionics 公布了與長榮航空簽約購買各型機上娛樂系統設備的細節
A35K*18/77W*14 : Panasonic Astrova IFE
787-9 * 5: Panasonic Next and eX3 IFE
這5架應該是指2023/March 增購789 的這批
(不過這句話寫得蠻有玄機的, 以後搭到789 還有分比較新一代/上一代的 IFE 娛樂系統)
A321 * 17: Panasonic eXW Wireless IFE
(對常跑日本/東南亞鄉民來說, 應該是非常樂見).
看起來 在供應鏈缺料/延誤的情況下, 長榮/華航/星宇各家的內裝/設備選用
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aviation/M.1717209601.A.45A.html
※ 編輯: nyrnu ( 臺灣), 06/01/2024 10:40:31
→ Jsyc241008: 便宜治百病,但是台灣人還是會選沒便宜多少的LCC 06/01 10:41
推 Kazamatsuri: 有些是獨家航線沒得選吧? XD 06/01 10:42
→ Kazamatsuri: 如果有兩家以上的話 AVOD有無還是會影響選擇啦 :P 06/01 10:43
推 nishiokayu: A321*17 對照架數 這邊應該是舊機而不是新的21N吧? 06/01 10:55
推 iqeqicq: 無線IFE就是機內Wi-fi娛樂系統,跟華航738追加的類似。 06/01 11:34
推 Kroner: 靈芝 06/02 00:01→ cityport: 既然選了松下..表示未來不會有免費WIFI 06/01 11:50
推 yoshilin: 都自己帶pad 06/01 11:57
推 skypilot: A321是現有機改裝,內文有寫 06/01 11:58
推 asdfio: Wireless IFE 應該宣告沒有螢幕吧 06/01 12:25
推 Chricey: 靈芝功效 06/01 12:25 推 d3571432: 某樓的松下 跟沒有免費wifi有什麼關係嗎 06/01 12:33
推 lions402: 終於要進步了 06/01 12:53
→ coolfish1103: 長榮321裝了無線IFE會讓大家比較開心一點吧? 06/01 13:19
→ coolfish1103: 雖然應該還是會被嫌棄.. 然後有些77W要再戰十年了。 06/01 13:20
推 ganlinlowmo: 看看zipair全艙免費wifi 台灣人真的沒良心 06/01 13:24
Zipair 是亞洲第一家採用馬斯克的Starlink/星鏈服務,
速度嘛...發發文字訊息瀏覽網頁ok. youtube 等影片就不行了.
推 skypilot: 後期的77W會改艙 06/01 13:35
推 AlainDion: 嘻嘻,終於要進步了,訂位服務也跟著進步,多收你25刀 06/01 13:44
應該要督促一下立委/民航局, 要是有退票,這訂位服務費也應該要全額退還.
→ cityport: zipair的wifi不是很慘烈嗎..越洋線一堆死角斷斷續續 06/01 14:39
推 Chricey: 維生素C 06/01 14:39 → cityport: 不能看水管的wifi都是沒用的 06/01 14:43
推 xvited945: 能閱讀與發送文字訊息對商務客來說還是有用的 06/01 16:08
推 Renoir: 都2024了 求你不要用eX3好嗎 技術有夠古早味的 06/01 16:32
加航的787-10, A220-300, A321XLR, 及現有的A321
全都會裝設最新一代的Panasonic Astrova 娛樂系統.
推 A320neo: 推。華航787 IFE好像還沒有公佈,不知道會不會走賽峰, 06/01 16:50
推 Kroner: 葉黃素功效 06/01 16:50 → A320neo: 便宜又大碗 06/01 16:50
華航應該有不小的機率在其787機隊上選用與A321neo 一樣的
Safran Rave Ultra (Plus) 娛樂系統.
若如此, 1080p 的 eX3 (長榮787) vs. 4k 解析度 Rave (華航787; 星宇A333neo+A359)
這是不同量級的產品, 高下立判,結果不忍直視.
對長程飛行注重機上娛樂設備的旅客來說, 這可能是一個在意的點,
推 mongolian: 想知道哪一間機上WiFi 可以看水管不卡的? 06/01 17:04
推 andy30093: 長榮走Panasonic 之前買無限竟然可以看YT直播480p就是 06/01 18:28
→ luther0583: 對你沒有的話你可以不要用,但不代表對別人沒用 06/01 18:36
推 iluvolsen: Zipair 我看一個半小時的水管沒問題,但畫質只能選差 06/01 18:42
→ iluvolsen: 的就是了,wifi的確是不太穩,但可以傳訊息算是堪用 06/01 18:42
推 yuzuki: 好奇同時每架飛機可以看的電影是一樣的嗎 06/01 18:48
※ 編輯: nyrnu ( 臺灣), 06/01/2024 20:35:04
推 IAMSOBAD: 我長程都直接載一堆電影看 加上spotify線下音樂 夠了... 06/02 00:01
推 Chricey: 頻尿改善 06/02 00:01 → iqeqicq: wi-fi娛樂至少能讓你知道目前飛機的地圖位置 06/02 00:50
→ cityport: 現在很多航空Apple music/Spotify可以直接免費串流 06/02 01:14
→ pr9558: 每次都要把長榮的安卓玩出來 06/07 01:45